Feelingirldress The Wholesale Shapewear


Hi everyone!

Having a slim body and flat stomach is one of every woman dream, I guess. Nowadays we can have a perfect slim body and flat stomach instantly and effectively by using the body shaper. It really helps to those who want to hide the fat in their body and be more confidence in their appearance.

When we choose to wear the body shaper we need to considerate some reasons especially the quality, fabric and the size.  Nowadays, it’s not difficult for us to find the right body shaper, we can browse on internet, there are so many e-commerce that selling the body shaper. If it makes you confuse to choose the right one, I will tell you one of my recommendation.

I’d like to introduce Feelingirldress, an international wholesale shapewear. They have so many collections of shapewear to choose, such as waist trainer, butt lift shaper, body shaper, sweat waist trainer, men shaper, waist trimmer, tanks & camis, accessories, seamless shaper, waist trainer legging and activewear with the affordable price. 

As  a bodyshaper vendors, their shapewear collections have so many various style and size. I’m sure you will enjoy to shop there. Besides, the price is so affordable, the fabric also has a high quality. The size range available from standard to plus body size, so it really helps to those who has a plus body size to choose the right size with no doubt.

Here is one of the range size that they have.

These are some body shaper recommendation for you to choose!

Nude Butt Lifter Larger Size Seamless Body Shaper Curve Creator

Black Seamless Body Shaper Mesh Strap Plus Size Smooth Abdomen

Feelingirldress waist trainer is one of the most wanted product here. It can make the waist appearance looks slim so that it can make us be more confident. They provide various style so we can easily choose the style that we love, the fabric won’t make our skin irritate so it really comfortable to be our daily wear.

Double Belt Black Big Size Latex Waist Trainer For Loss Weight

They are look so comfy to wear, aren’t they?



  1. aku pernah nyobain korset, bener sih bikin badan berasa lebih ringan karena kepres, apalagi kalau keringetan, duh berasa enteng banget :) tapi aku nggak nyaman lama2 pakai korset tuh

  2. I need this, after giving birth a year ago, my stomach is still bloated so I wear a corset to go to the office to make it look better. I will choose the black seemless body shaper mesh strap because I like the model and have never had one

  3. Produk body shape ini recommended banget buat ibu2 yang habis melahirkan juga ya, biar body-nya bisa kembali langsing 😍

  4. Body shaper gini nih rekomen bgt buat smua cew yah, yg pasti bisa bikin tambah percaya diri ya

  5. Dari dulu pengen banget punya yang kayak gini dan kayaknya ini nyaman banget yaa pas dipake

  6. Aku sih belum pernah pakai ginian.. Masih mikir, apa nggak sakit ya? Apalagi kalo dipakai lama :')

  7. Yes, the body looks so gorgeous with fellingirldress wholesale shapewear.
    I think every woman should wear this shapewear to get the body goals come true.

  8. Wah, aku buruhin banget nih. Kayaknya asyik produknya, nutup lemak banget ini dan tampilan jadi lebih oke. Dulu saya takut sesek klo pake ginian, stlh baca ini jadi pingin beli produk yang ini deh. heheeh

  9. Naksir yang double belt black kak, pas banget ini untuk ngebantu bikin slim tubuh ya. Apalagi untuk mama2 kayak aku yang lemaknya udah mulai merongrong. :))

  10. so many collection to make our body shape, but i love the feelinggirls waist trainer cause i think can make the waist appearance looks slim

  11. Wah banyak sekali pilihan shapewear-nya ya. Dijamin nih kayaknya bentuk tubuh jadi ideal dan nambah kepedean juga hehehehe
    makasih infonya kakak..

  12. Wuih ini sih beneran yg dinamakan bodi bagai biola itu ya...
    Btw baru tau ini ternyata rahasia penampilan sempurna untuk bentuk tubuh yang diinginkan

  13. keliatannya nyaman ya korset dari fellingirldress ini.. bisa membantu meratakan perut (jika dibareng diet dan olahraga) juga postur tubuh jadi sempurna

  14. Bervariasi banget semua model ada disini ya. Bisa buat dijual lagi nih hahaha.

  15. This just reminded me with my old body shape wear, it's just regular corset. After reading this post I think I'd like to have that waist trainer for weight loss hehe

  16. Wah,aku butuh pakai ini karena sekarang pas di rumah saja perut jadi melar gitu. Kalau pakai korset ini begini terlihat langsing juga ya

  17. Belum pernah make ginian saya Kak. Tapi bisa banget aku rekomendasikan ke sodara yang pengen slim banget karena habis ngelahirin dia ngaku melar semua badannya. Makasih ya Kak

  18. Fabulous. Bisa membentuk tubuh jadi langsing tanpa gelambir nih. Minta beliin sm suami ah haha

  19. Wah auto sexy pakai ini ya kak hehehhe. Ini belinya dimana kak?

  20. Aku sempat tau brand ini gegara di email sama mereka, produknya menarik sih cuma agak pricey buat kantongku huhuhu

  21. Wah solusi banget buat yang habis lahiran ya.. persiapan nanti habis lahiran bisa coba pakai ini biar perut ramping lagi.. hihi

  22. Really really beaitiful body shapper. Dan aku suka yang pake strap plus smooth abdomen. Menarik ^^


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